8 people in tour : 7 artists + 1 sound technician
Duration  1h15
Conception / Compositions  Rémi Leclerc
Lyrics Bastien Picot, Rémi Leclerc, Frédérika Alésina
Sound Technician   Arthur Ower,  Rémi Tarbagayre

Célia Marissal, Frédérika Alésina Voice,
Joris Ledantec, Cyprien Zéni, Voice
David Amar Voice, Vocal Bass
Christopher M’Passi Voice, Human Beat Box

Quelen Lamouroux, Mathieu Benassem Body Percussions , Voice
Rémi Leclerc, Body Percussions, Voice, Conception, Compositions

After the success of the CORPUS show, Les Humanophones embark on a new musical adventure with pop accents: ANTROPUS A group that produces their music exclusively with their 7 bodies (voice and body percussion).

The lyrics deal with the awareness of the ecological emergency, which is set in dance through organic “hip” grooves.
Futuristic polyphonies marinated with incisive and organic polyrhythms produced by the sounds of hands, feet, mouths, and clicking of tongues… A 100% original and organic show in the landscape of the contemporary music at the crossroads of an a cappella vocal band, body percussion, urban songs and tribal hip-hop. Popular music at the meeting of urban cultures and African pulses.

The topic of the show takes place in the current context, namely the Anthropocene.
It is a space-time, an unprecedented age, in which man is simultaneously advancing and retreating: while realizing his impact on the destruction of his natural environment and the “Boat Earth”, he is unable to stop the pursuit of his to slow down development.
Man’s salutary consciousness and harmful influences originate in the intelligence that characterizes him, his memory of the past, his ability to consider his mistakes and anticipate his successes: the human species, in all that it has, IS most beautiful , but also the most terrifying and therefore the most contradictory.
Antropus wants to pursue the question of redefining human values, the permanent awareness that is necessary in order not to drift away, showing constructive initiatives, realistic solutions and alternatives instead of pessimistic and alarming discourse.
In this new Antropus creation, Rémi Leclerc offers a modern and original musical universe.
Eager to expand their audience, the Humanophone perform popular music at the clash of urban cultures and African impulses. The “deep dance” is cultivated there through the tribal essence of the music of the body.
Futuristic polyphonies, skillfully arranged by Rémi Leclerc (also pianist and composer), combine with the concise and organic claves generated by the sounds of hands, mouths, tongue-clicking…
The repertoire contains texts and can be in the format “song and current music”. The lyrics will question and address troubling issues such as ecology and collapsesology.
The original compositions revolve around an innovative spirit, an avant-garde boldness that remains universal.


Les Dock in Cahors (F), BlackforestVoices Festival (D), Internationale-A-Capella-Woche in Hanover (D), Cafe-Theatre Schalotte in Berlin (D), Kulturfestival Kunstflecken in Neumunster (D), Black Forest Voices Festival in Fribourg (D)


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